Lucy was born on March 26, 2012. When we brought her home on May 19, she weighed about 21 pounds. |
June 2006: baby Greta was 2 months old and weighed 26 pounds She was born on April 2, 2006. August 2010: Greta is 4 years old and tips the scales at 147 pounds. |
We said good bye to our baby on September 11. 2011. Greta put up an incredible fight againt cancer for almost six months. She is loved and missed more than words can express. |
Presley is a male, tangerine-faced Australian cinnamon lovebird. He hatched on July 23, 2002, making him 10 years old. |
Prelsey was eating some treats from a cup on his playgym. His colors are more brilliant in person! |