Saturday, November 27, 2010

bromelain, selenium, and infertility

Right on the tag it mentions Bromelain!  I guess they didn't want to mention that it may help with embryo implantation.

Doesn't that woody, white core look most delicious?

all cut up

the part of the pinapple that normal people eat

the part of the pineapple that infertile people eat

I lifted this information off of

Using Pineapple to Assist Implantation: Pineapple contains bromelain. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks up proteins that inhibit embryo implantation. Consuming a whole pineapple (focusing on the core as it has the highest concentration of Bromelain) during a fertility cycle can be beneficial.

For IVF [in vitro fertilization] cycle: one pineapple, divided into 5 portions - consume one portion each day, over five days, beginning on the day of your embryo transfer.

IUI [intra-uterine insemination] cycle: one pineapple, divided into 5 portions - consume one portion each day, over five days, beginning on the day of your IUI.

Timed intercourse cycle: one pineapple, divided into 5 portions - consume one portion each day, over five days, beginning on the day after ovulation.

Note: Be careful not to start consuming pineapple too early in the cycle. Beginning to consume pineapple BEFORE the recommended days above can actually affect your vaginal and cervical mucus PH, making it more acidic.

To boot, pineapples also contain selenium.  This is a natural antioxidant that is said to help promote a healthy endometrium (uterine lining).

1 comment:

  1. I ate a lot of pinapple before my transfer I also ate some pomegranate, even drank the juice! I don't know if it helped or not. I did read up on a lot of information about pinapple and such and have heard people swear by it! I think it comes down to the fact that if it makes you feel like it's going to work than it is! It's like the accupuncture route. Accupuncture is supposed to help and help you relax for me it was clear across town and I was not relaxed getting there so I decided to skip it. I am glad I found your blog and will follow you. Feel free to check mine out as well :) It's a lonely process. We seem to have much in common as I too am a teacher and looking so forward to Christmas break. Good luck on your journey-I will be watching! I blog over at
